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​Directgov   Access to all government sites​


                                           Ministry of Justice     Advice and information on the family justice system


Relate    Advice about relationships​


Families need Fathers        Information and support for parents of either sex​


​Families Need Fathers Scotland       Information and support in Scotland


Cafcass          Children and Family Support


Shelter Scotland        Housing Information and Advice


​Scottish Law Association Information and lists of lawyers specialising in family law plus indication of legal aid, collaborative law and CALM (lawyer mediation)​

The Scottish Courts Rules procedures in Sheriff Court and Court of Session, list of judgements​


The Law Society       Advice on the law, and help with obtaining a solicitor in England and Wales


The Law Society   ​​lists of lawyers and other legal information ​Scotland​


Fassit  A non-governmental voluntary organisation independent of Local Authority Social Services Departments​


Scottish Women's Aid      Advice and links to local Women's Aid Services ​


Mankind    UK organisation supporting men who suffer domestic abuse/violence​


​Wikipedia        For information and articles


​Dr Richard Warshak​ â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹ Welcome Back Pluto


​​​Dr Richard Warshak​   Divorce Poison


A Kidnapped Mind: A Mother's Heartbreaking Memoir of Parental Alienation  by Pamela Richardson           


The Look of Love by Jill Egizii ​


​Dr Ludwig F Lowenstein (BA, MA, Dip.Psych, C.Psychol Ph.D) is a Chartered Psychologist


Keeping Families Connected


​Joe Barrow - Parental  Alienation Website​


The Custody Minefield - Information about McKenzie Friends


Parental Alienation






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