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​​​​​​Unfortunately children suffer the most from being manipulated by the custodial parent through the loss of  love and affection of the targeted, non-custodial parent. Children may never recover and may suffer irreversible long term damage that carries over into adulthood and so therefore continuing the cycle of abuse.​​


The targeted parent can be male or female, Parental Alienation does not discriminate, it is not gender specific. It also doesn't soley affect the children or parents, often extended family members, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and even communities are affected.​


Ultimately father's suffer as the Targeted Parent as custody/residency is generally awarded to the mother but this is not always the case. As recent studies are proving Father's are likely to carry out this type of abuse with more contact with their children being granted and exercising there rights with new legislation being passed. Treatment is not easy and may not work if Parental Alienation has progressed to the third, and severe level.​


​​Therefore the general aim of Parental Alienation, Child Custody & Emotional Child Abuse is to create awareness and to educate on the manipulation that goes on between warring parents of Parental Alienation and the more severe cases of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), to everyone involved in the divorce/separation process including the family courts and hopefully gain more advocates for the child/children being manipulated and also the targeted parent.

There are many support groups and legal options if you or your child is the victim of Parental Alienation. ​


See further on in the website for links.



This website is specifically aimed at emotional child abuse when parents separate or divorce leading to Parental Alienation or Domestic Abuse by Proxy, Hostile Parenting and how the system lets the wrong parent down consistently EVERY time. ​


If you or someone you know has been subjected to any form of abuse, then you know how degrading it can be to the well-being of a persona and the effect it can have on other relationships.


Relationship abuse, local authority abuse, child abuse, and sexual abuse are damaging to both the mind and body. Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, negligent treatment, sexual abuse or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.

A recent development that has been observed is that when experiencing Parental Alienation, domestic abuse or violence as its commonly known often occurs and intensifies long after a marriage has ended and the only way to keep control by the abuser is by using the children as a pawn.











By teaching your child to hate one parent or another you are teaching them to hate a part of themselves and who they are!!

About Us​​




​"The goal of this site is to bring awareness of the long term effects on children and parents going through divorce​​/separation"

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